Dott.ssa Donatella Decise
Global Director Patient Engagement
After five years at the National Cancer Institute of Milan where she served as Radiochemist for PET, she joined Pharma covering different roles in Medical, Marketing and Patient Engagement for Schering-Plough, Astra-Zeneca and Novartis in the areas of Oncology, Hepatology, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Haematology, Nephrology and Rare Diseases. Donatella covers the role of Patient Engagement Director since 2014, at European and Global level. When not working, she enjoys spending time with her family, playing golf, playing drums and competing in aerial rallies.
Università Statale Milano
Laurea in Chimica
Università eCampus Novedrate
Laurea in Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche
Brand Manager, European Brand Lead
Patient Engagement Director
Patient Engagement Director